Saturday, May 3, 2008

New Compy!!!

We got our bonus refunds yesterday from Uncle Sam! So we are paying off Zach's truck and since Zach's computer is ancient these days for what we need to do and mine is even older, we went out and found a more reliable basic computer. Sad that you can buy a computer that cost half the price of your three year old computer and it runs three times faster and better.

We got a Toshiba Satellite. I didn't know Toshiba was a computer brand, but I guess they are supposed to be fairly decent and will do well for what little, but neccessary we need to do. It was a fun trip getting it though as we had to wait for about 2 hours for it to be done so we went elsewhere. It was sorta like a unplanned date. I like those and we haven't had a real date for quite a while. We ran over to Jordan Creek and after finally finding parking, we walked to Scheels and grabbed some greatly needed replacement shoelaces for Zach's boots. Then we wandered around for a little bit as we had time to kill. Zach had to show me the hand gun he wants to purchase before the law that forbids the purchase of such a thing goes into action the first of November this year. "It is for your personal protection at home when we move to the country." he says. I see. Then he adds "I also have been meaning to get the handgun for hunting this fall anyways." Ah, ha!! Oh well, as long as I can get a couple chances at Bambi too.

After waiting in line for about 10 minutes, we left Scheels hungry for the cheesecake that was earlier promised. We got seated in less than 5 minutes. Very nice since my stomach was beginning to eat me inside out. We looked at the cheesecakes and drooled (well not literally for those who feel like pointing that out is a major concern to them). We ordered a yummy appetizer...buffalo wings, thanks to my honey who knows these are favorites of mine... and then ordered the lovely desserts. It was oh, so very good and I will finish mine right after I finish writing this little piece of Jamie's life.

I call it a date and it was great! Now after Zach has put in the important stuff, including his music, and I have got other things set up and after a couple games of Mah Jong, I am very tired, but very happy and thankful for this new technical little thing.

Happy birthday to Zach, me, and happy government bonus refunds!!!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Finally It Is DONE!!!!

Okay, so apartments are in season for being moved in and out of. We have this particular one that we have been working on for about a week now. Well...after this morning rinsing the tub out and mopping the floor we are done!! Let me tell you a little about this place when we started so as to give you more understanding as to why we are rejoicing so.

The kitchen:
Where do I start? Really! Well these people are very nice people but had a dark side apparently in the form of lack of cleansliness. They cooked with oil all the time and because of this the ENTIRE apartment had this layer of sticky yellowness. I am talking outlets, baseboards, walls, cupboards, door handles, and window ledges. We used a whole can of oven cleaner and degreaser in the kitchen. We had to trade out the stove after three attempts at cleansing. Maria worked on the fridge for a day and a half - about 7 hours. The tile had to be replaced.

The rest of the place:
I had to scrub all the walls and baseboards of the place before we put 2 coats of paint on, that was after the mudding and drywall repair. Then there was scotch tape everywhere and we had to peel and pry and ungoo and sand. I didn't even try to clean the blinds, I just ran to Menards.

(Separate note: The Menards trip was interesting as when we got to the checkout, Larry had given me the gas card and not the Menards charge card. I actually tried the Wright card first, but that just affirmed my suspicion. Then when we parked the cart in a safe place, we ran back to Faith and got the right card. When we got back to Menards, the card was almost broken in half and the magnetic strip so worn out that it would'nt can. Oy vey!!)

So we are very nearly estatic on the ending of the saga of the former dreadful place. I only hope that the new residents are respectful more than they were last summer when they were here for a few months. I do NOT want to have a rerun on this episode. To those who rent and even to those who own, be responsible and remember all the cleaning tips that your parents taught you, and be kind, as your landlords will think very much more highly of you as a result.