Friday, October 5, 2007

UPS' Delivery System Stinks

How many of you have had UPS package slips stuck on your door...first attempt, then second attempt (you leave a nice little note asking the person to leave the package with one of the neighbors), then to your total frustration the final attempt slip arrives and you have to go down to the UPS customer care center? I have full confidence that heads are nodding in agreement at this very moment.
In the lovely town of Ankeny and Des Moines, I must say I have a few things to say about the UPS system.
First of all, they don't have consistent time of delivery. Just when you think you have it figured out, they switch.
Second, I don't believe that they even try to leave packages with neighbors even when they don't need a signature.
Thirdly, and the most annoying at that, is the fact that the customer care center is in DesMoines.
Well, I had a final attempt slip, which by the way was actually a first attempt unless some cruel joke was being played and someone was confiscating my previous slips. I had to go on-line and locate out of 20 UPS places which one was the center and where is was. This is where is gets sticky and stinky. Apparently when you ask for the directions to be printed out, they start you on SE Grand Ave. (Who told them that is where I was starting anyway?) Then to beat that the starting point is marked by an "X". Isn't it well known to the largest percentile of the world that "X" marks the spot -- ending spot?! Then the end location is this little square which is this box.
So I get in my car, after consulting a friend who sees that map as I see it and tells me how I can use 235 and make it easier. Off I go!! Well I think I am doing well and I turn off the interstate and head south. I keep heading south and see nothing close to Hull Ave (which I have heard of but never seen). I ended up about 20 miles more south then I was supposed to be. I stopped and called a man...yes, a man, but at least it was my fiance' who is way more used to Des Moines than I am. While explaining where I am and him looking that up, I realize to my horror the reality and correct interpretation of the map -- the X was the beginning and little box was the UPS store. Disgusted with UPS and myself, I thank him and take off north. Mumbling to myself the entire way how I dislike UPS. I do end up at the Center, knowing exactly where I am and thankful that I don't work in DesMoines any longer.
So to those who have similar experiences I offer sincere and empathetic condolences. Have a wonderful Friday!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

A Hairy Ordeal

Okay, so some imput from those who know me might be nice here. I have really been wanting to cut my hair again for the last whole summer. Shorter and different from the last short one I had. I have seen pics of that one lately and was reminded that I really didn't like it.
I have asked my main man about it and he is all in favor of me trying it since he said he likes variety. I even pinned his gaze down to get the truth on whether he was speaking such to just be nice or whether it is his honest opinion. My youth group girls flipped out on me though. I figure that it is the best time though since I can grow it out through winter if I don't like it so it can go up in the summer. I almost chickened out last night again. All the models have long hair usually right? Clothing ones and shampoo chicks. I mentioned to Zach last night that I would try a trim for now and reconsider a cut much later. He said that he was hoping that I was going to still cut it. The power of love huh? Well, I guess ya don't know till you give it a try.
So I am looking around and trying to find the right pic and such so I can walk right into the hair place with full confidence that I will like what happens to it. To those who might be panicking at this time, I will wait till after the wedding. So I will just rehighlight for now (getting back more to the darker shade I am) and then cut it in December. (Key in music for Sound of Music's "I Have Confidence").

Marriage Counseling Reality Show?

Hey, so I was thinking if they made a marriage counseling reality show? Some could be very entertaining I'm sure, depending on the counselor and the couple. Our apparently seems to be a lot of fun for our pastor. He was chuckling as we were walking out of the church, commenting "I love it!". I will just assume that is because he says we remind him a lot of him and his wife situation wise. He is a ton of fun to counsel with. We have only hit the foundations of the roles of marriage though. Next time we will discuss communication. We still haven't had a fight, but Pastor wasn't really too surprised and reassured us that it wasn't a bad thing. I wasn't worried, since I have friends who haven't really fought till after they were married and even then they were able to take care of it well.
We were given this homework, which I couldn't decide whilst figuring out whether it was fun or if I even liked it. I hate absolutes that you aren't given a chance to explain. It is this sheet divided into two sections, one for you and one for your fiance'. (Oh and Pastor said that this was a brand new exercise and we are the first ones to try it out. Humm...) Well, you are given four personality adjectives and you have to pick only one to best describe yourself and then in the next section, your fiance'. The list is the same for both. I think that I kinda have an idea of how it is set up. We shall see. Three more sessions of counseling. Well, it is only 7 weeks and 2 days from today. Now I just wait for a little while till I can really do anything more for the wedding. Yay! A little break!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Treat Day!!

On every Wednesday of the week, Maria (my awesome co-worker) and I satiate our junk food tendencies by running out for a really-bad-for-you breakfast. We usually make CJs Bagels our stop. Here we get our breakfast bagels and some sort of other carbohydrate drenched in cream cheese frosting. Then we run over to either Starbucks or Coffee Point and grab some odd ounces of creamy coffee or split a Monster.
This special day used to be on Friday, but was switched to Wed. cause we needed to split the week up a bit. Friday is already cool cause we don't work the next day. So we leave in the morn. early and come back with the laden steamy cups and bags of food. We try to bring the guys at work something once in a while too. The greatest thing about this is that usually we aren't paying for the treats cause as the great housekeepers as we are, people are gracious enough to leave little tips. We also recycle cans. I believe so far this year over the winter, we have made almost $100. Cool, huh?!
May life continue to be full of Wednesdays!! Happy Wednesday!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Happy Birthday Sweetie!!

Okay, so Zach turned 26 yesterday! Yep, only 4 years from 30 and I reminded him too. Hey, I am only 5 from it so it wasn't too mean. I was postulating on how and what was going to do for the special day. Usually, you can shoot for something comparable to that which they celebrate for you on your birthday, but my case is unusual. Now for those who don't know, on my birthday this last May, Zach and I started dating. It was a most crazy and insane day, but ended well and it was a most great and wonderful birthday gift.
So I knew that I wanted to make oatmeal rainsin cookies as they are his fav. I decided to try a one up on that and tried oatmeal creme pies. That was interesting as marshmellow creme is too sweet. I tried to put in a little butter, sugar, and vanilla. It tasted way better, but the creme was leaking out snail speed. So I quickly finished about 10 and then stuck them in the fridge. I kept a few of the plainos just in case. The new recipe for the regs is quite scrumptious.
So I had dessert down and I was just going to make a mexi dish that he has said that he likes. Then I decided to get a little creative whether he was going to catch on or not. I got a couple of cards, which were quite good ones I should say, candy, and set alarms on my cell phone. It started at 10:26 and went for every 2 hours at 6 different times. Get it? He either got a call or permission to open a card thoughout the day. Dinner was at 6:26 and then dessert and his gifts were at 8:26. He had to play Hangman for the clue for his gift. We just watched "Male Order Bride" and hung out listening to his new CDs. He let me know that he really liked his birthday a whole lot.
I think that I can consider it a success, and honestly, if he is pleased this easy, then I'm going to have a ton of fun with birthdays and holidays!!

On the Road Again??

So since so many of my friends have moved on in life and communication exists through Facebook, Blogger, or the few and far between emails, I decided to try once again to just post. Then whomever feels the urge to catch up with me or just needs some entertainment in the minimal sense now has it.
Also since my job gets so very slow in the winter (and I need to be entertained because of it), I have time to keep up with it.
A salutation to friends and family! Though I can see mostly little bro, Tim on this the most, I hope you feel a little more in tuned now.
Oh, and the Saylor part of the name is such cause "jamierswope" was taken and since it is only 7 more weeks, I took advantage of it.