This posting is mostly for those who really keep up with my poorly kept current blogging, but that stay faithful.
Life has been interesting once again, but for everyone when does it not. :) This last week or so though has brought Zach and I together for prayer even more so. About a little over a week ago, Bill Saylor wasn't feeling too well. He went in and was treated for a sinus infection. While in there, they scheduled an overdue cardioexam. He let us know that his vision was double and after a couple more days of that and other symptoms of concern continued. He went in again to the Creston hospital and they did a MRI. Finding nothing, they came home. To make a long story somewhat short, they have done several tests, a lot of possible ailments have been discussed and checked. We thought it might be his diabetes, but now after blood work, they have found that his white cells have these black rings around them and they won't know for sure what this could be till Monday the 15th. Please pray for Bill and Jeanie as some of the possible conclusions could be very drastic.
On another note Zach and I are really trying to figure out where God wants us as a partial result of the most recent events, but also it has been a big topic of prayer since the beginning of this year. We really can't make any decisions till we find out more about Zach's Dad and his parents are able to figure out some things. We want to be there for them and help out with their plans for the farm, but so much could take things in several directions. So we are trying to be content in each day at a time and with a willing heart ready to go where and when He leads. That is where the patience lesson has really been hitting. We are also both so very thankful for having each other in this and that we wouldn't be moving or making such big changes without each other.
I found this quote in a devotional book that I just finished up and it is very appropriate to these thoughts:
"God is not in such a hurry as we are, and is not His way to give more light on the future then we need for action in the present, or to guide us more than one step at a time. When in doubt, do nothing, but continue to wait on God. When action is needed, the light will come."
Thank you for your prayers and love!!