Well, I didn't get up and sing this song this morning. I actually didn't even wake up before 6:30, except for the quick bathroom trip at 2 am. Apparently, though many women were calling in to the Van and Bonnie morning show telling their stories of the 5.4 earthquake that epicentered in IL. Cool!! But hey, it happened at 4 something a.m. I am so very not an a.m. person as my husband can quickly and clearly verify.
So while making French Toast, I listened the calls phoned in about different people's experiences. Zach started going off on how since all the callers were women, including Bonnie's comments, that they were all being emotional or some had hangovers. "No men are calling in!" he remarks. Well, my dearie, only a few minutes ago Van and Bonnie played the call of a man reporting on the earthquake, so there you are.
I was kinda sad though through all of this since I like to feel minor earthquakes. Usually back at home in WA, Mom only felt them since she has that "mom light sleeper" thing since us kids came along and also cause she usually was awake before all of us. She would announce the earthquake and ask if we had felt it last night or that morning and almost always we hadn't. There is no way you could plan for them or I would have been the first to try to stay up late or even try to set my alarm, feel the quake, and then drop immediately back to sleep.
There was one though that I remember though very clearly. It was I believe in '98 or '99. It was a 7.6 one epicentered in Olympia, our capital for those who have been out of highschool for more than a season. Ironically, I was sitting in a rocking chair watching "Little House on the Prairie". Now our old washer was almost always off balance considering the dozens of loads going through each week and we just assumed at first that it was shaking the house again. Then the shaking got really hard and things were moving a little. Just about the time we realised that this was different and that the washer wasn't even going, the waves started. It is really weird cause you tried to stand still and every thing looks and feels like those heat waves you see coming off the roads in the summer. It was actually very entertaining for us kids. Mom, though was thinking much differently and was shouting at us to get under the tables or in a doorway. Cool!! We get to put the emergency actions that we practiced once in a while to use!! Well, it lasted for about 5 minutes I think and then had some aftershocks. There was no hard damage in any area close to us. Seattle and Olympia and nearby areas did have some bricks falling on cars and things falling off shelves. No one was hurt and they cleaned up pretty quick. Sadly, downtown Starbucks had to redo the front of their store.
I would rather have earthquakes over floods and tornadoes, but everyone has their opinion. Maybe I should become a 4:59er...or maybe not!
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