Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Snowing Kittens?

I must make this brief as the cops are soon to arrive. So much for time to work out. This is really rather exciting actually. We got a call from the 414 girls that there was a kitten siting in 418. For those of you who don't know about 418, it has been abandoned for about 3 years now and sits musty and full of school furniture. Well, Maria and I had about 15 min left, so full of curiosity we ran over to see if we could find them. We got there and in the breezeway, there they were - two little tabbies about 2 months old.

We stuck them into our coats and drove over to the shop. I will tell you that it is very interesting indeed to try driving with a squalling ball of fur and claws in your coat. I threatened the kitten not to unpleasantly dampen my sweatshirt. We got back safely and put them in the women's bathroom. I should have put them in the men's cause I had to go really bad about 10 min. later. When I was trying to exit the restroom, the handle stuck for about 20 secs and I had the terrible vision of the cops coming to find two kittens in one restroom and the previous heroine locked red-faced in the other.

So we have waited.....and are still waiting.....where is the Ankeny Police. Probably a newbie who hates the call, so he is taking his sweet time. He most likely even stopped for a nasty coffe from HandiMart first.

Story to be continued.....

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